sunnuntai 22. toukokuuta 2011

Rise and shine, at agility finally!

Yesterday Pre had another sporty-day at agility. I was bit doubtful at attending the tracks, since his slip at his 3rd track at Kuopio last weekend. The much needed zero for rising up to medium2 class has waited for itself, so often, so near, and then a small mistake, and it has passed. Well yesterday it didn't! It was nice place, a sandfield at idyllic surroundings, and warm summery day. Preety travelled with his friend Ella, another medi1 kooikerhondje, and we arrived early. We had plenty of time to hike in the woods to warm up, and also enough time to interpret the track well. As always, I tend to practise the track by heart, imagine it in my mind, and also vocalise, both the names of the obstacles, as well as cheerings for my dogs. The first track had a few demanding spots, and I doubted the way I was supposed to guide Pre. Eventually I probably didn't take the most fluid options, yet Pre was so obedient, that he just kindly waited me to correct the guiding, and then he performed the correct obstacles. He was slower than usually on both tracks. Luckily at the first class the time was enough, but sadly on the second class we took overtime. I am still proud that he was able to take a win at the first class, and even become 2nd at the medi2 class, and he was the only one without any mistakes on the track. Well done my little-Pre!

I have made a promise to Shanti, that his turn to activities will become soon. I have so concentrated on Pre's agility, obedience and shows, that Shanti has always been left without races or competitions. Now when boys will be at consequtive classes at agi and even at obedience, it must be Shanti's time to attend those as well! That is my promise to my bigger boy.

Dogs have enjoyed the springy-summery weather, been much outdoors and started their swimming-season too. That is such great way of exercising, and we will do that nearly every day from now on. It is a delight to stay at my mum's during the renovation of my own flat - we have a big backyard and a lake available. Much running, playing and swimming! Further, the meals are every now and then offered at the yard, so bit of a nose-work for dogs.

Soon Shanti will again stay behind, and Preety will travel to Sweden to attend his kennelmeeting and two shows. So exciting summerbreak ahead, I hope it all goes on fine!

Adya has been practising so many new things, beginner's obedience, showtraining and little bit of agility too. Annina has attended already two unofficial shows with her, and succeeded on both times. Today Adya has been even BIS3 at a local matchshow! Well done A+A and congratulations :)

tiistai 10. toukokuuta 2011

We are the champions... friend!

I am so delighted and proud to present the 2nd champion of our kooi-trio:

FI, EE (and possibly SE) ch Mattssons Preety

Last cert from Finland 05/2011 to become Finnish showchampion

Cert from Estonia 07/10 to be upgraded to EE champion

Cert from Sweden 07/09 possibly to be upgraded to SE champion with the new regulations

perjantai 6. toukokuuta 2011


Spring has arrived - FINALLY! Snow has nearly melted and dogs are all into sniffing the lovely springy-smells. Vast open fields also trigger them to run, run, run! We have paid already a visit to our summercottage, and taken it out of its "winterclothes", so as soon as the days start to be warm enough, we will spend enormous amount of time there. Dogs will get to run free all days and enjoy the woods and lake of the cottage.

The trio goes on well. Anniina has the main responsibility of Adya's training, I get to enjoy the fun and play of our little chick. Adi, as I often call her for short, has now tested agility, obedience and showing. She did so enormously well at unofficial show, where dogs are matched in pairs, and the better one gets red colour, the other gets blue colour. Then the "reds" go on competing against eachother and "blues" do the same. Adi and Aniina got to be 4th of the red ones - well done, congratulations. Adya was surely the yougest contestent! She has also started to lose her teeth, 5 left on the first day - we'll see whether she ends up completely without teeth today! Adi is still very corageous, open and self-confident girl, and both Anniina and myself are very proud of her behaviour and character. She doesn't get frightened and comes to different situations with curious mind and good manners.

We have also enjoyed hiking at the woods. Boys have started their season of human searching, only unofficial way, since we are not in a smallgroup this year. Both remembered it so well, and were all enthusiastic to find the targets from the woods. My talented boys! Pre is still the play-master for Adi, Shanti is on the other hand the groupleader, with calm, self-confident and independet style. The bunch is such a team, joy to the eye!

Shanti has just been practising agility, and also some obedience. Anniina is still thinking of competing with him over this summer, and I surely hope that will happen. Alternatively I will go with him on my own, since I am convinced that he could manage the beginner's class easily. Pre is practising the openclass-movements, and is not yet competig at obedience, hopefully towards the end of the summer he will be ready. Shan has not competed at agi, but Pre has been more active on that field, and he have had about 7 starts this spring. I have now enrolled him to comps at Kuopio, 3 starts in a week's time. I surely hope this time he will get the zero he requires to rise up to a next class. He is also competing for his last cert at shows tomorrow. Cross my fingers he would finally get the cert!

Preety will have also some exciting times ahead, since he will get to pay a visit to his breeder at Sweden in June. Pre will travel with myself and Kooikerhondje Kelmi and his owner Liisa from Milfeddyg kennel. Shanti will probably stay behind, since it is easier to travel with just one boy in my hands. Pre and Kelmi will attend two shows at Sweden, so hopefully both will come back with swedish certs at their backpockets. Pre has already one junior-class cert from Swe, and I am not anticipating the conclusion whether they will credit the older certs for Se ch or not. From this year onwards the dog can qualify to Se ch with one cert at any class (that stays hanging), once it becomes ch in another Nordic country. So we'll see what happens with Pre! Exciting times ahead!