Springy days are so great! Yesterday we finally got to go to the ruins and did some informan human-searching. Shan was more hippy-style with his searching, runned around doing twists and turns, but eventually found the target 4 times from very demanding spots (e.g. from the cellar underneath the lid, up the ladder from the box). Pre was more bullet-straight, doing excellent work, finding also the target 4 times (i.e. underneath a fallen ceiling, deserted house). He is the topsearcher, and I so hope we would find some time to join in the small-team for human searching. Yet, at the moment, our weeks are so packed with agility, obedience and showtraining, that I decided to drop the human-searching to the informal-level, and do it just for fun. Maybe later on we can rejoin the small-group.
Pre has proceeded with showtraining, yet a small setback happened last week. Luckily we were able to recover very fast, and tested two other judges, and it went ok. I doubted for a long time whether to enroll him to Joensuu INT dogshow at the end of May. Nat show I decided not to, since - can you believe - there is the same judge for the 3rd consequtive local show! She didn't like Pre in the past two shows, so I assume he hasn't changed in 1,5 months enough for her to start liking him. But what a mistake from the organisor (same kenneldistrict for the all 3 consequtive shows) to put the same judge on again. Luckily another one is on Sunday, and we'll test that one out too. Shan will skip the shows this year, and give space to Pre :) I have also enrolled boys to two shos in Estonia over the summer. Hope for the best!
Today Shan will get some western-Finland winds. I will take him along to Tampere, since I am again going for therapy-training. We will stay with beautiful and sweet Dina-kooiker (full sister of our buddy Manta), and we'll get to do some agility on monday with her, Hilppa's brother Olly and Aida (Cavalriina's Sandra Sinatra). Hopefully will get some photos too, Hanna has promised to take her camera along. So soon we will catch the train and start our full-day journey. Pre will stay with my brother this time.
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