Our main acitivity this summer has been agility, since we are aiming for paragility world cup in Holland, just at the beginning of next month! Details of the competition can be found here: http://www.imca-pawc.imcanederland.nl/en/main.html
Both boys are now enrolled, and much practise is needed. We will travel together with Liisa(Kennel Milfeddyg) and Kelmi, the same lovely company than in Sweden just at the beginning of this summer. Further, this time we will have Kelmi's granddaughter Etta along, as well as my Shanti. Etta and Kelmi will also test out shows abroad, but my boys will only focus on agility this time.
In order to enhance agility-performance we have attended agilitycamp organised by the Finnish agility association. It was probably the hottest days, yet so informative and we got to learn so many things. I was more than delighted, and have practised of all tips since the camp. Adya also attended, not practises but motivation clinic, which apparently was very good and benefitial too.
We also learned to know a new kooi-girl called "Tiuku", who also attended the agilitycamp. She is imported from Norway, and she is somewhat close relative (aunt) to my Preety. Boys loved her, and girls Tiuku and Adya played, played, played so much together. Shanti was convinced that this girl is his fiancee:
We have also attended a good few comptitions, the biggest one being called "agibreed" that had both official competitions and inofficial team competitions. All kooikerhondje-teams were naturally presenting Holland, and dressed up in orange. So many kooikerowners and dogs attended, for instance Indy, Ella, Keira, Julia, Vili, Bitti, Peter, Kelmi, Fredi etc. Also visiting kooikers we med, for instance Uuke, Siru, Severi, Riki and Timi. You can bet that Adya made several new friends and played so much. Our team was paragi-koohon, since both Liisa and myself are paragipractisers with our bummered knees. We had another member in our team, who was not disabled, yet she supported us by putting on a kneebrace! So great :)
This year that big event was at Liisa's hometown, so she kindly accommodated myself the boys, Adya and Anniina at her place and took very good care of us. Thank you for your hospitality again dear Liisa! Etta and Adya got to play heaps together, and they became so good friends. It is a pity Adya can't join us to Holland, so that she could have fun with Etta and also meet her breeders, Lisette and Eric at the kennel Kooikerhoeve! I have now read that the rabies-antibodies that they currently require to be tested when you enter Sweden will not be needed next year onwards. Adya doesn't have that test done, so that is why she is not joining us to Holland this time.
Agilitycompetitions have gone on fine, few good results, few failures, but always fun! Preety is still at medi2 class, he gained 2 good zero-results, but unfortunately there were better ones ahead, so he didn't get class-changing results from the positions. Maybe tomorrow or in a week's time since he has 6 starts altogether. Only thing that is worrying is my very painful knee, currently I am on a medication and croutches, so we will see can be compete tomorrow at all. Shanti has also competed a few times. It is very hard to guide him at med3 class, since he is fast, and I am walking the track. Yet we have fun, and some promising acts have already seen, so maybe one day we will manage to get a zero from the class 3 as well. Press your thumbs!
We have had several bigger and smaller kooi-meetings. This area is filled with active and friendly kooi-owners, also many practising aqility. So we get to meet up a lot and spend quality time together. To our fortune, kennel Featherfox has moved also here, just at the beginning of this month. Welcome Saija, Lassi, Fido and Fayza!
Lastly, some nice portraits of our beautiful Adya, I'm sure you like what you see :) She will have her debytime at shows in just a few days. Anniina has enrolled her to Kuopio INT (this Sunday) and both Joensuu INT (next Sat) and Joensuu NAT (next Sun). Busy times for our young lady, wish her good luck and fun at the shows.
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